Tuesday, September 9, 2014

My Thoughts

This article in my opinion is stating the meaning or reason behind having art throughout certain times in history. Through art and artist they show multiples meanings behind their art work pertaining to certain issues going on or just to express their idea through a picture or even a sculpture. Seeing artist as scientist or the other way around seems a little uncommon as a comparison but some ways i can see where they are trying to explain. For example scientist try to create something or somethings using ingredients, chemicals and technology that others wouldn't try to work with. Some are successful and others fail but keeps striving to success. Once they have it created they show it to the world and watch how others are amazed by their new creation or technology. Same goes for artist, artist try to make something out of nothing and make one piece mean so much to people. They sometimes have to throw away a couple of ideas but in the end they know whats right and whats wrong for the art. In the end when they showcase they're art people see them as masterpieces and sometimes would go down in history.

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